Maine EBT - Electronic Benefit Transfer
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Cardholders are required to have
A User ID and password to view their:
 - Account Balance
 - Transaction History

Issuance Schedule
Maine Rigional Offices
EBT Card Picture

Maine Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT)

Welcome to the Maine EBT website!

EBT stands for Electronic Benefit Transfer. The Maine EBT Card is like a bank debit card that holds the Food Supplement benefits that are assigned to you each month. Once your benefits are deposited into your account, you can begin using them with your Maine EBT Card. You use the same card every month; you do not need to get a new one

The Maine EBT card is a safe and easy way to get and use your food benefits. It’s safe - you can’t use your card without a PIN. And it’s easy - you can use it anywhere you see the Quest® logo, and every time you use your card, you get a receipt showing the amount of benefits left in your account.

You can use your card at the grocery store to spend your food supplement benefits. Before you begin your shopping, make sure that the store accepts the Maine EBT Card and you know your 4 digit PIN.

Misuse of the EBT card is unlawful. Use of this card for anyone outside the household of the person named on the card is prohibited and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

You should know your balance before shopping. There are three ways to check your balance…

  • Check your last grocery store receipt.
  • Use this Website - you can set-up a User ID and Password to check your account balance and also view transaction history.
  • You can call the Maine EBT Helpdesk. Your balance is provided as soon as you enter your card number.

If your card is lost or stolen, call the Maine EBT Helpdesk immediately to prevent anyone from using your benefits.

Excessive Card Replacement

Card cannot be replaced. Replacement Count has exceeded the permitted 2 card limit. Please contact your local county office for additional details.
